Data is processed by computers, the resulting information can then be used to form judgements and make predictions.
Work your way through the tasks below - make a note of your answers in a new Word Document, which you will save into a one drive folder
Semester 1 > Information Literacy > Week 1
If you get stuck, hints can be found at the bottom of the page
Read pages 1-5 using the link below
Use the internet to find the hidden message in the text below - Make a note of your answer
Use the internet to find the hidden message - Make a note of your answer
Use the internet to find the hidden message - Make a note of your answer
Use the internet to find the hidden message - Make a note of your answer
Look at the graph below, what does it tell you? - Make a note of your answer
Use the internet to find the hidden message - Make a note of your answer
Look at the graph below, which Nintendo Console sold the most units?
Try using Google Translate Binary to text converter Hex to Text converter
H7E9 45
In this unit you will learn the difference between data and information
This test will demonstrate your ability to;
Describe the value of information
Organize information using information tools
Solve routine problems using information.