F915 11
Handheld, games console, phone, tablet.
To include the manufacturer - speed and architecture.
To include accurate size and specification ( DDR4 ), older systems will be more difficult to define as system memory is sometimes on a cartridge or could be expanded.
This will include the resolution and colour depth - can also include video capabilities
Modern systems have large amounts of storage built in and also have different SDKs - older systems had no backing storage. Some included battery backup inside cartridges.
Joysticks - Analogue
D-pad - Digital
Touch pad
Steering Wheel
Light Gun
Haptic Feedback
Narrative Design
Character Design
Level/Environment Design
Game Mechanics
User Interface Design
Audio Design
Data is processed by computers, the resulting information can then be used to form judgements and make predictions.
Work your way through the tasks below - make a note of your answers in a new Word Document, which you will save into a one drive folder
Semester 1 > Information Literacy > Week 1
If you get stuck, hints can be found at the bottom of the page
Read pages 1-5 using the link below
Use the internet to find the hidden message in the text below - Make a note of your answer
Use the internet to find the hidden message - Make a note of your answer
Use the internet to find the hidden message - Make a note of your answer
Use the internet to find the hidden message - Make a note of your answer
Look at the graph below, what does it tell you? - Make a note of your answer
Use the internet to find the hidden message - Make a note of your answer
Look at the graph below, which Nintendo Console sold the most units?
Try using Google Translate
Binary to text converter
Hex to Text converter
F1KB 11
You have been approached by the UK Government to produce an advert promoting the benefits of healthy eating.
You have been asked to produce a 30 second two-dimensional animated sequence created at 1280*720 resolution. It must be submitted as a .mp4 file under 100mb in size.
Squash & Stretch
Objects expanding and contracting, often unrealistically to emphasize a movement.
Before an Object moves, it will signal which direction it is about to move, with a subtle opposite movement.
Follow Through
When an object comes to rest we observe 'follow through', which is essentially the opposite of anticipation
It should be clear where on the screen the audience should be looking - there should be nothing else to distract them happening elsewhere
Overlapping Action
Momentum being carried through in other parts - eg. hair and clothes
Ease In & Out
Objects take time to accelerate up to speed, and, to decelerate to a stop
Smooth Curves that features follow during playback
Secondary Action
Gestures that support the main action to add more dimension - often conveying an emotion
Great drawings do not equal great animation. It is important to experiment with timing speeds and dropping frames all together
Even realistic or mechanical motion has exaggeration. In cartoon animation we see actions overshoot to the extreme
Appeal is something we like about a character
In pose to pose Animation we plan ahead - deciding on the most important poses that the character will assume - we then fill in the smaller details afterwards
In straight ahead animation we just keep drawing based on the last image - it can significantly harder to preserve volume using this technique - however, it is easy to create a sense of fluidity
12 Frames per second - good for beginners - animating on two's
24 Frames per second - Cinema and TV - animating in one's
15 / 30 frames per second - The NTSC standard equivalent of the above
60 frames per second - Video Games Standard
The closer together frames are the slower the the animation will be
The further apart the frames are the faster the motion will be
We can hold onto frames for a little longer to make them pop.
Often, more less is more
Storyboards are a way to plan out visual information for film
Each panel will show a significant action - along with notes on sound, camera movements and descriptions
It is much more important for a Storyboard to convey an idea than for it to have a finished look
Large arrows can be used to indicate direction of movement
Here is a Blank Template for you to use
Here is an example from an animated Series
Motion Tweening is short for 'In Betweening' - We can ask a computer to create the frames between two poses for us. For motion graphics and small movements this is great. For characters however - it tends to create awkward movements
For your project you will have access to Adobe Animate CC which is used in professional Animation studios. Other professional software includes Toon Boom Harmony, TVPaint & Toonz. Some studios produce their 2D animations entirely in 3D Software.
Keyboard Shortcuts
F5 - Stretch frame
F6 - Duplicate Frame
F7- New Blank Frame
F8 - New Movie
Enter - Play
In order to create a motion tween in animate, we select an object - press F8 to create a new object - press F5 to extend our frame - right-click on the strip and select "Create Motion Tween" - and then click along the strip and then move the object.
There are lot's of free animation tools available - they can be very complicated - so these are my recommendations to focus on the actual art of animation
Working at a low resolution actually ensures strong readability of motion without getting bogged down in the finer details
H7EB 45
This unit will introduce you to the history, impact and issues of social media - you will also demonstrate your ability to communicate using social media
Web 2.0
BBS ( Bulletin-Board System ) - 1978 Bulletin-Board Systems are similar to Forums and predate the World Wide Web. They are still in use. They offer a way for like minded people to get together and discuss topics
IRC ( Internet-Relay Chat ) - 1988 IRC offers chat rooms that where easy to access and could be embedded into websites using javascript. They rose to popularity but, after the dangers for young people where highlighted they returned to a niche following.
MSN - Windows Live Messenger - 1999 Microsft Messenger and also Yahoo Messenger became the primary way for school kids to communicate in the late 90's
Friends Re-united - 1999 Friends re-united had a simple premise, to allow you to get in touch with friends from school, but, never quite got traction
Friendster - 2011 Friendster was the first of the social networks to resemble what we see today, it was a popular website with millions of users.
LinkedIn - 2002 LinkedIn is a business social network, aimed at helping users secure work. It is essentially a replacement for the Rolodex or collection of business cards for yesteryear.
Myspace - 2003 Myspace started as a music platform - success such as Arctic Monkeys and Lilly Allan originated on the service. It became the dominant social platform of the time and was the most used website of 2005. Featuring friends, messages, a wall. It was common to see advertisements that included a Myspace url
Facebook - 2004 Facebook remains the dominant platform - it was initially shunned by many due to it's lack of customization and personality. Ultimately this is what made it easy to understand for new users and now it is predominantly used by boomers and for messenger
Bebo - 2005 Bebo was large in youth communities, it included the customization of MySpace with no musics basis. It allowed users to share out their love once a day.
Twitter - 2006 Twitter allows users to contact celebrities and high profile users directly. It started as a text only services with a maximum of 140 Characters. It now support 280 Characters and allows user to share image and videos. It is considered a good way of allowing large amounts of people to assemble quickly around a single topic.
Weibo - 2009 Weibo is basically the Chinese speaking equivalent of Twitter
VK - 2006 VK is basically the Facebook of the Russian speaking and ex-soviet world/nations
Instagram - 2010 Instagram is a photo sharing social network - it also includes direct messaging.
Google+ - 2011 Googles attempt to break into the social media space never seemed to break through, despite having a high number or users. YouTube briefly integrated with Google+ much to users annoyance.
SnapChat - 2011 SnapChat is a video/photo sharing service where the messages self-destruct. It also includes AR face filters and location sharing. Concerns over the dangers of sharing private sexual images continue.
Tinder - 2012 Tinder is an app that allows users to connect based on location and perceived attractiveness. It is the first time that online dating became totally mainstream
Vine - 2013 Vine was a short lived video sharing platform limited to 6 seconds. You needed Twitter to login to the services. Logan Paul originated on this platform.
TikTok - 2014 TikTok, previously Music.ly is new kid on the block. It features seamless loading to the next video - and, encourages users to act along to a collection of audio samples.
Mental Health There have been a rise in studies pointing towards a link between a degradation in mental health and Social Media use. FOMO - Fear of Missing Out
Witch hunts Individuals can be targeted by mobs online either because of a difference of opinion, mistaken identity or even honest mistakes. This can lead to malicious bullying and death threats
Facebook/MySpace/Bebo Parties Teenagers arranging houseparties have at time seen huge numbers of people attend their parties. Often - someone else would upload the details of a party. This has led to large scale police deployment and property damage - not to mention the damage to family relations.
Abduction/Vulnerable People Lonely individuals are open to abuses of trust and being befriended by nefarious individuals online. This can lead to financial loss, embarrassment or even abduction
Open-Source Open Source Projects are usually developed completely online - notable successes include Chrome - Linux - WordPress
Marketing Social Media is an essential tool for marketing as it allows you to get your message out to a large number of people quicker than traditional methods. For a small fee you can boost your message even further.
is the idea that the internet transitions from a largely top down service to a user produced model - including social features like discussion, remix and redistributing. We largely see what used to be consider social features as basic features on all websites.
Charity Social media allows people to organise quickly around a cause and to raise lot's of money. In 2013 we saw an example of this as the
H7E9 45
In this unit you will learn the difference between data and information
This test will demonstrate your ability to;
Describe the value of information
Organize information using information tools
Solve routine problems using information.