Example Game Design Document
Handheld, games console, phone, tablet.
To include the manufacturer - speed and architecture.
To include accurate size and specification ( DDR4 ), older systems will be more difficult to define as system memory is sometimes on a cartridge or could be expanded.
This will include the resolution and colour depth - can also include video capabilities
Modern systems have large amounts of storage built in and also have different SDKs - older systems had no backing storage. Some included battery backup inside cartridges.
Joysticks - Analogue
D-pad - Digital
Touch pad
Steering Wheel
Light Gun
Haptic Feedback
Narrative Design
Character Design
Level/Environment Design
Game Mechanics
User Interface Design
Audio Design
Upon Completion of this Unit you will be able to
Design a game concept
Produce a Working Demo
Evaluate Demo
Commenting Indentation Naming Variables Data Structures Control Structures Operators
Pico-8 is an IDE ( Integrated Developer Environment ) that uses the Lua programming language.
Pico-8 attempts to replicate the limitations of 8bit video games systems.
Sticking to these limitations helps us to control the scope of our projects and means we only have to worry about one program when we are starting out.
Text Commands Code Editor Sprite Editor Tile Editor Sound Effects Music Tracker
init draw update
We press Escape to enter the blank code screen In order to clear the screen we type;
If we run this code we can see that the screen is cleared
Next we can type;
This will print the word hello on the screen.
If we want to draw a sprite on screen we will type;
In this example 0 selects sprite slot 0, 64 draw the sprite 64 pixels along horizontally, and, the next 64 draws the sprite 64 pixels along vertically
In order to make our sprite move horizontally, we need to perform arithmetic on the first 64. To do this, we need to substitute 64 with a value - for example x. We will need to define what x is, now we can perform arithmetic on the value x.
At this point we need to split our code into the three built-in functions used in pico-8.
FUNCTION _INIT() This function contains and initializes all the variables that we will use.
FUNCTION _DRAW() This function describes all the elements that will be drawn on the screen.
FUNCTION _UPDATE() This function contains all of the game logic. This function is called 30 times each second.
This example will sho our sprite moving to the right forever.
Now we want to move the sprite only when we press a key.
Now our sprite will only move when we press the right arrow key.
In order to make the sprite move in two directions, we can reuse our code and change the name of the button used, as well as the arithmetic.
Now our sprite can move both to the left and to the right.
As it stand right not, our sprite can move off of the screen - in order to stop this we can set some limits.
We can use this to limit the movement in the other direction as well.
In order to animate the sprite, we need to manipulate the sprite value. First we need to substitute 0 for S in our draw function, then we can add S=0 in our init function, then we can apply arithmetic and limits in our update function.
You should always avoid using sprite slot 0.
In order to flip our sprite horizontally, we can add additional information to our sprite line.
In order to manipulate this value 'TRUE', we need to give it a name and then initialize it in our init function.
Now our sprite will flip direction depending on which way it is travelling.
At this point our code is becoming difficult to read, so we should add comments.