Week 7

Hi all

I will start by checking in on how you progressing on your Bike King Project Then we will look at the attached presentation We have an article below to read

Open White Flag.jpg

  • Import Scotland Flag.webp

  • Change the colours of the Scotland Flag to those of the Jamaican flag using the Fill tool

  • We will set the Layer Effect of to Multiply

  • We will go to Edit > Transform > Warp

  • We will then use quick select on the white flag

  • Apply a Mask to the other flag layer

  • Apply a Drop Shadow to the Flag

Then we will look at a photo montage, here is an example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ck6CmaPZnzQ If we have time we will start our own in class - if not I would like you to do this as homework Start by appropriately sourcing two images that we can build a scene from and then we can begin working on them Many Thanks

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