How do I access my timetable?

You access your timetable information using the Calander in Outlook

Where do I save my work?

All work should be saved in OneDrive - You will create a folder for each unit and week. All of your work will be sent to your tutor at the end of the Semester as Evidence. If you do not organise and submit your work, you will not pass.

You should have folders for each Semester, followed by for each unit, followed by each week.

You can access your OneDrive via Outlook or through Windows.

What is Brightspace?

Brightspace is our online learning platform

How do I open Brightspace?

You can access Brightspace here https://brightspace.uhi.ac.uk/d2l/home. You login with your Student number and password.

What is my Username and Password?

Your username is your student number, your password is your date of birth. the 1st of January 2001 would equal ;


What is my email?

Your email is your student number followed by @uhi.ac.uk, for example 1240264@uhi.ac.uk

I am totally lost, can you help?

Yes, you can email us any time and we will help. You can schedule a one-to-one call if you need one. Always tryif you can complete the task unaided first, and ask another student before giving up 😁

My Internet is down, what should I do?

Don't worry, it happens. Let us know if you can, and you can pick up the work via Brightspace. You will still need to complete all work in your own time.

What is WebEx?

WebEx Meetings is our video conferencing/calling platform, you will use this to interact with live classes or to speak to your tutor

How do I access WebEx Meetings?

You can access WebEx via Brightspace

How should I name my work?

All of your submitted work should include your name, student number, unit name and any other relevant information. If you have completed work, but do not submit it in an appropriate manner or when requested, you fill fail.

Last updated