Games Design

F915 11


Technical Specifications


Handheld, games console, phone, tablet.


To include the manufacturer - speed and architecture.


To include accurate size and specification ( DDR4 ), older systems will be more difficult to define as system memory is sometimes on a cartridge or could be expanded.

Graphics Configuration

This will include the resolution and colour depth - can also include video capabilities

Backing Storage

Modern systems have large amounts of storage built in and also have different SDKs - older systems had no backing storage. Some included battery backup inside cartridges.

Input Devices

  • Microphones

  • Cameras

  • Joysticks - Analogue

  • Buttons

  • Triggers

  • D-pad - Digital

  • Touch pad

  • Accelerometer

  • Gyroscope

  • GPS

  • Steering Wheel

  • Light Gun

  • Keyboard

  • Mouse

Output Devices

  • Rumble

  • Lights

  • Display

  • Speakers

  • Ambi-light

  • Haptic Feedback

Design Elements

  • Narrative Design

  • Character Design

  • Level/Environment Design

  • Game Mechanics

  • User Interface Design

  • Audio Design

Flow Charts



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