Still Images Editing
F1KW 11
Last updated
F1KW 11
Last updated
When this unit is complete you will be able to
Work to a brief Plan the acquisition of Images Identify copyright requirements Complete a Risk Assessment Capture, edit & export finished Images Present Images appropriately
You have been approached by a music video producer. He represents a well known artist. He requires backdrops for their upcoming music video.
They are interested in the natural beauty of your surrounding area.
A portfolio of at least 10 images to choose from is required.
Care should be given to ensure all images meet the technical requirements for a 1080p video output.
JPEG JPEG ( Joint Photographic Experts Group ) .jpg .jpeg Millions of colours, no transparency, lossy compression, can set level of compression.
PNG PNG ( Portable Network Graphics ) .png Millions of colours, transparency, lossless compression
GIF GIF ( Graphics Interchange Format ) .gif 256 Colours, dithering, transparency, animation
BITMAP BITMAP .bmp Uncompressed Image, Large Files
RAW RAW Image file .cr2 .nef .dmg All of the information recorded by the image sensor in a digital camera, Large Files
SVG SVG ( Scalable Vector Graphics ) Vector Graphics Format, Shapes, Paths, Co-ordinates, Great for Logos, Bad for Photos
Resolution is the number of pixels recorded in the image. DPI ( Dots per inch ) defines the image detail in print PPI ( Pixel per inch ) define the image detail on a screen
Colour Depth describes the number of available colours in an image. Colour banding is a result of a low colour depth.
Smart use of dithering can be used to improve the perception of colour.
Raster Raster Image formats record data in a grid. A 1-bit bitmap can be visualized as below. After brief header information ( which will describe how wide and how high the image is ) this image could be written as;
Vector Vector Image formats record co-ordinates, shapes, fill colours and curves.
In this example we describe a circle, it's position, it's radius, the outlines, it's width and, it's fill colour.
Adhering to copyright law is essential at all times when working with images. Consequences of ignoring copyright includes fines and imprisonment.
If you take the photograph yourself then you will own the image and can sell and licence it.
Royalty Free License Pay Once for an image and then you can use it as much as you like after that.
Rights-Managed License The images must be use for a specific purpose; such as a specific website, magazine or advert. In order to use elsewhere, you would have to negotiate and purchase the rights again.
Creative Commons This license is free to use for non-commercial work but you will still need to attribute the author. There are many types of Creative Commons licences with different rules so it is important to make a note.
Creative Common Zero has no restrictions over how the images can be used.
Important You must be sure of were your images have come from, you must be able to reference them and prove their licence. There are lot's of websites that claim to host free to use images but are actually stolen from elsewhere. Only trustworthy sources can be used. If you are in any doubt then DO NOT USE the image.
Affinity Photo
Primarily a raster image editing tool, this software includes features for touching up photographs and exporting to a range of formats.
Affinity Designer
Primarily a vector graphics image editing tool, this software includes features for layout and design, and, exporting to a range of formats.